Knox Name Meaning in English (Nahks)

Knox is a name with English origins. It is derived from the Latin word for “Hill” or “Mountains”. Knox Name Meaning in English”Hill”. The lucky number of Knox is “8”.

Knox is a very Popular Boy name that originates from English. The meaning of the Knox name in English is “Hill” or “Mountains”. The religion of the Knox is “Christianity“. Knox’s Name is easy to Popular. It is a common name in America.

Knox is the short name of 4 letters or 1 Word. The lucky colours of Knox’s name are Yellow diamond, citrine, amber, and topaz. All yellows, ocher, bronze, gold, and orange are the Lucky Gems of the Knox. Sunday is the Lucky day of Knox’s name.

Knox Name Meaning in English

Name:Knox (Nahks)
Meaning:Hill or Mountains
Lucky Day (s)Sunday
Lucky Number (s)8
Lucky Color (s)Yellow diamond, citrine, amber, and topaz
Lucky Gem (s)All yellows, ocher, bronze, gold, orang
Lucky Stone (s)Aquamarine
lucky metalBronze, Copper
Knox Name Meaning in English
Knox Name Meaning in English
Knox Name Meaning in English

What does Knox’s name mean?

The meaning of the Knox name is ”Hill or Mountains”.

What is the religion of the Knox Name?

Knox’s name religion is Christian.

What is the origin of the Knox name?

Knox is English Originated Name.

What is the auspicious colour of the Knox Name?

The auspicious colour of Knox is Yellow diamond, citrine, amber, and topaz.

What is the Lucky Day of Knox?

There are multiple Lucky days of i. e. Sunday.

What are the lucky stones of Knox?

are the lucky stones of Knox Aquamarine.

What are the lucky gems of Knox?

The Lucky gems of Knox Name are All yellows, ocher, bronze, gold, and orang.

What are the lucky metals of Knox?

The Lucky metals of Knox’s Name are Bronze, Copper.

What is the Lucky Number of Knox?

The lucky number Knox is “8”.

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